Monday, April 28, 2008

memory's deception

memory's deception
long ago when summer was old
an epic tale did unfold
of a great and bold warrior
of purest gold
who did bestow on the
tattered fold
a time of peace
of glory told
where there was lost
those skills of war
whose dreadful cost did memory purge
while calm did reign
for a piece of time
until the day upon the verge
where memory failed to warn
what was lost was found
as blood ran aplenty upon the ground.


FEMONA said...

Mr Fiona,
Your poems are wonderous. There are not many modern artist who could be compared with the masters, but you could give Marvel some stiff competition. Thank you for adding you voice to our world.
--- I couldn't find a picture of on the internet

Tony Fiona said...

thank you very much
i am humbled