Sunday, February 01, 2009

winters rain

driving rain
washes away
the faces of
the children
cast away
in blinding shame
fingers reaching
never touching
farmers grieving
their fathers lands
like the winters rain
biting stinging
while in
the minds eye
Currier and Ives
refreshing and wild
baby girls sigh
twin boys cry
endless nights
a demented mothers
last regrets while
peace and sadness
stand in chorus
awaiting the riderless horse
figments of
and stolen moments
dart back and forth
in amber light
cries in the night
that no one will hear
that sweet release
which will not come
yet while all is lost
comes near the notion
of an illiterate ocean
of pleasant thought
knows not what the
cost nor how it was
yet pain is what
this freedom
cost no matter
what was wrought
pain searing
like a
winters rain

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